Our law clerks are current 2nd year and 3rd year law students who assist both felony and misdemeanor attorneys at the Washington County District Attorney's Office. The DA's Office provides a formal, comprehensive law clerk program with intensive up-front training. This extensive program offers a great opportunity for those interested in prosecution and trial advocacy. Throughout the program, our law clerks will learn and expand upon the following skills:
- Trial preparation and presentation
- Interviewing of witnesses and victims
- Legal research and writing
- Evidence review
- Court appearances (actual court appearances require Oregon Supreme Court certification)
As part of the hands-on experience, law clerks are also given the opportunity to attend community meetings and training classes, observe trials and other courtroom proceedings, tour the county jail facilities and complete a Ride-Along with a county police agency.
Washington County District Attorney's Office hires law clerks for year-long positions . Partnering with the three Oregon law schools, the interviewing process begins in January for positions that begin in June. To be eligible, you must currently be enrolled in law school. Only law students who will be starting their 2nd or 3rd year of school in the coming fall will be hired as law clerks. 2nd year law clerks are encouraged to reapply for a 3rd year law clerk position if they have performed well in their 2nd year clerkship and express an ongoing interest in criminal law and trial advocacy; however, working as a 2nd year law clerk with our office is not a prerequisite for our 3rd year law clerk positions.
Application Process
Law students attending law school in Oregon should contact their school's career center.
You can also contact program director Heather Perkins via email at Heather_Perkins@washingtoncountyor.gov.
More Information
Law Clerk Spotlight
Elizabeth Schmitt, 3L Law Clerk, 2017. Now working as a Deputy District Attorney in Arizona.
I clerked in the DA’s office during my 2nd and 3rd years of law school. Throughout both years I had the opportunity to watch countless trials, from low-level misdemeanors to high-profile Measure 11 felonies. During my 2L year I drafted motions and researched complex legal issues for felony attorneys; during 3L year as a Certified Law Student, I had the opportunity to try misdemeanor jury trials, as well as juvenile delinquency and dependency cases. My experience at the DA’s Office has been incredible and my courtroom exposure and experiences are invaluable as I prepare to graduate and enter the legal workforce. While many of my classmates have had externships and legal jobs during law school, nothing compares to the extensive trial experience I received and connections I made at the Washington County District Attorney’s Office.

Greg Jones, 3L Law Clerk, 2017. Now working as a Deputy District Attorney in Yamhill County, Oregon.
I clerked for the DA’s office during my 2nd and 3rd years of law school. During this time I had the opportunity to watch a variety of misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile trials. I have been involved in the preparation of many more trials, and have tried 3 cases myself so far. My experience has been great! I’ve found that the opportunities I’ve had here differ from my fellow classmates in that I am in the courtroom everyday where I receive essential practical experience.