Deaths related to an unsafe sleep environment are a leading cause of preventable child fatality nationwide, as well as here at home in Washington County. To address this issue, the Washington County Child Abuse MDT’s Child Fatality Prevention Program has partnered with the Cribs for Kids® to provide free Cribette Kits to eligible families residing in Washington County. In addition to providing a free portable crib, infant sleep sack and educational materials, Child Fatality Prevention Program partners from the Washington County Public Health Maternal, Child & Family Program, the OHSU Tom Sargent Safety Center, Hillsboro Medical Center and Providence St. Vincent Medical Center works with eligible families to provide safe sleep education and distribute cribs. Cribette Kits are available in either English or Spanish versions.


To be eligible, clients:

  • must be a resident of Washington County, Oregon
  • must qualify for public benefits or demonstrate financial need (exceptions will be considered on a case- by-case basis)
  • must be willing to receive safe sleep education provided for free from an approved Child Fatality Prevention program partner agency


Interested in referring a family to the Cribs for Kids Program, or in receiving a Cribette Kit for your own family? Please email Vulnerable Populations Program Coordinator Kathleen McDonough at, who will forward your request to representatives from either the Washington County Public Health Maternal, Child & Family Program or other program partners. Families will be contacted to arrange a time to discuss the program and complete a Cribs for Kids referral form. Due to limited funding and Cribette Kit availability, please know that each family referred to the program is not guaranteed to receive a crib. Please feel free to contact Vulnerable Populations Program Coordinator Kathleen McDonough at with any questions.