When Deputy District Attorney positions become available, they are posted on our website as well as through the three Oregon Law Schools’ Career Services departments . If you are currently a member in good standing of the Oregon State Bar, you may submit an application and cover letter, along with the information listed below. Our policy is to retain all applications pending a vacancy. When one occurs, we screen the applications on file and schedule interviews with selected candidates. In order to assist us in the evaluation process, please send us the following:
- Grades from college and law school,
- Written recommendations from three individuals, two of whom are members of the legal profession, and
- Your completed DDA Application and Background Authorization form.
Washington County is an equal opportunity employer with a commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Clerical/Office Staff
Job openings for support staff and other professional opportunities are posted through Washington County Human Resources. Open positions will be posted on the Human Resources Division Job Listing website.
Volunteer and Internship Opportunities
Our Victim Assistance Program is always seeking community volunteers and student interns interested in helping victims of crime.
Visit our Volunteers & Interns web page in the Employment and Volunteer section, or contact the Volunteer and Intern Coordinator at (503) 846-8671 for more details about volunteer and internship opportunities.
Law Clerks
Washington County District Attorney's Office hires law clerks for year-long positions . Partnering with the three Oregon law schools, the interviewing process begins in January for positions that begin in June. To be eligible, you must currently be enrolled in law school. Only law students who will be starting their 2nd or 3rd year of school in the coming fall will be hired as law clerks. For more information, visit our Law Clerks web page.