Thank you to all who donated, attended and supported our 11th Annual Crime Victims' Rights Week Fundraising Event. Your generosity once again made our event a great success! This year’s event was held at the Hillsboro Civic Center due to the Seismic Retrofit Project underway at the County’s Public Services Building. We had to forego our outdoor grill and served sub sandwiches to around 265 people. $7,400 was raised for the District Attorney's Emergency Services Fund. This fund pays for emergency needs not met by other community agencies such as lock changes, groceries, rent assistance, tow costs, new shoes, phone replacement and travel to court.
In 2016 the Washington County District Attorney’s Victim Assistance Program served over 7,490 unduplicated crime victims, made 62,741 contacts with victims, and worked with the court to have over $6.5 million in restitution ordered to crime victims.

DA Bob Hermann welcomes the supporters.

As in the past, the raffle “baskets” were a big hit. Congratulations to the winners who left with amazing items!

The event was well attended and serving lines were busy as our guests were served a lunch of sub sandwiches, chips, cookies and water.

Servers included (L-R) Judge Rick Menchaca, Deputy DA Bik-Na Han and Judge Michele Rini.
We partnered with the City of Hillsboro to make the event sustainable by adding rigid plastics and food scrap collection to the event. Such collection is available in the Hillsboro Civic Center facilities and just requires the assistance of a few volunteers to ensure food is collected correctly. Our efforts diverted at least three large bags of plastics and scraps from the landfill!
Thank you again to everyone who came out to honor Washington County crime victims. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you next April!