HILLSBORO, Ore.- On September 15, 2022, a Washington County jury found Scott Patrick Phillips guilty of second-degree intimidation and telephonic harassment. On September 16, 2022, Judge Ted Sims sentenced the defendant to seven days in jail, two years of supervised probation and ordered he pay associated court fines. He also ordered the defendant to undergo mental health treatment, that he have no future contact with the victim, and barred him from using social media going forward. Deputy District Attorney Mahalee Streblow prosecuted the case against Mr. Phillips.
The defendant and victim worked together briefly before their business relationship ended. The defendant became upset over a payment dispute and began harassing the victim. Mr. Phillips called, texted, and e-mailed the victim despite her repeatedly telling him to stop. The defendant threatened the victim and demanded payment from her.
In 2019, the victim alerted law enforcement. She provided investigators with 30 voicemails left by the defendant. These messages were racist in nature and contained race-specific threats of violence. Deputies with the Washington County Sheriff's Office arrested the defendant without incident.
The Washington County District Attorney’s Office is dedicated to protecting all members of our community. This office leads the County’s Bias Crime Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). The MDT consists of members from law enforcement agencies and community partner organizations. The team meets regularly to discuss and implement strategies to combat bias and hate crime, including trainings, education, and outreach events. To learn more about this effort, visit our website.