Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants Diversion (DUII Diversion) is a criminal court program designed for first time drunk drivers who are willing to take responsibility for their crime early in the criminal process.  If a defendant meets eligibility criteria, they are given the option to participate in the DUII Diversion program.  The defendant then engages in treatment and attends a Victim Impact Panel.  If all conditions are successfully met, the defendant's charges are dismissed.  The DUII Diversion program is administered by Washington County Evaluation Services, Judge Oscar Garcia, and the District Attorney's Office.

To enter DUII Diversion, a defendant must take accountability for their conduct by entering a no contest or guilty plea.  Once in the program, a defendant is required to complete drug or alcohol treatment, abstain from alcohol and drugs, and complete a class about the impact of drunk driving on the community.  If the defendant fails any of the DUII Diversion requirements, they will be revoked from the program and sentenced for their crime. Defendants who are charged with Reckless Driving along with DUII are often able to pursue diversion on both charges simultaneously, and then have both charges dismissed when they successfully complete the program.