Washington County provides three different specialty court options for non-violent offenders who commit drug or drug related property crimes. These courts include Adult Recovery Court, Integrative Re-Entry Intensive Supervision Services (IRISS), and Family Sentencing Alternative Pilot Program (FSAP). The focus of each specialty court is unique and tailored for its participants. In order to participate in one of these specialty courts, a common application may be completed (available here) so that a team of evaluators may determine which specialty court is the best fit for the offender.
Washington County’s Integrative Re-Entry Intensive Supervision Services (IRISS) is funded through Oregon’s Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI). The JRI program helps ensure Oregon’s criminal justice resources are used effectively while reducing recidivism, decreasing prison use, protecting the public and holding offenders accountable.
The IRISS program is designed for select, non-violent drug and property crime offenders. IRISS participants are typically diverted from serving a prison sentence and receive treatment from local providers and enhanced community supervision through Washington County’s community corrections department. This enhanced supervision is designed to hold offenders accountable while also addressing underlying issues related to behavioral health, housing, and employment challenges. Participants must either be a resident or have significant connections to Washington County and be supervised by Washington County Community Corrections.
The IRISS program has been successful at both rehabilitating offenders and protecting the community. Using the definition of recidivism as “any new misdemeanor or felony conviction within three years of successful completion of the IRISS”, the program has documented a 91.5% success rate from a three-year period from July 2021 through June 2024. Over the life of the IRISS program (2014 to date), the average the average three-year recidivism rate for the IRISS program is a 76.5% success rate. (source: Washington County Community Corrections, July 2024)
General Eligibility for JRI programs including IRISS:
The following eligibility factors and exclusion criteria provide guidance regarding which cases applications are appropriate for the IRISS program. The JRI team will review the circumstances of each applicant including, but not limited to, a review of the factual circumstances of the current and past cases, criminal history, past participation in treatment programs or specialty courts, community safety considerations, and amenability to supervision and treatment. In exceptional situations, JRI team members reserve the right to deviate from these guidelines.
Eligible Defendants
The following defendants are presumptively eligible for JRI programs:
- Defendants charged with non-person class C felony charges with a presumptive DOC sentence of more than one year, or
- Defendants whose probation is revoked with the prospect of a presumptive DOC sentence of more than one year.
Presumptively Not Eligible
The following defendants are presumptively not eligible for JRI programs, but may be subject to review by the Justice Reinvestment Program (JRP) teams:
Current Offense:
- Reckless Endangering Another Person
- Robbery in the Third Degree
- Delivery of Controlled Substance level 8 or below
- Manufacturing of Controlled Substance level 8 or below
- Possession of Controlled Substance level 6
- Burglary in the First Degree(level 7 and select level 8 depending upon facts of the case)
- Aggravated Theft in the First Degree
- Aggravated Identity Theft
- Non-Domestic violence Assault in the fourth degree and Menacing
- Resist Arrest
- Robbery in the Second Degree
- Assault in the Second Degree
Criminal History
- Felony weapon convictions
- Person felony convictions
- Person misdemeanor convictions
- Conviction for Robbery in the Second Degree or Assault in the Second Degree
- Prior participation in similar specialty court program to Washington County’s IRISS, FSAP, Veteran Treatment Court, or Adult Recovery Court programs
Not Eligible
The following defendants are not eligible for JRI programs:
Current Offense:
- Measure 11 offenses (including attempts), except those described in “presumptively not eligible” category above
- Person crime offenses as defined by OAR 213-003-0001(14)(15), except those described in “presumptively not eligible” category above
- Cases involving providing of controlled substances to minors
- Cases involving child support payments
- Defendant associated/involved with a gang or criminal enterprise
- Substantial quantity drug offenses level 9 or above
- Commercial drug offense with factor including firearm, weapon, manufacturing paraphernalia, or constructed fortification or security measures.
- Charges involving firearms or explosive devices
Criminal History:
- Measure 11 offenses (except Robbery 2 and Assault 2, which are in the “presumptively not eligible” category above)
- Sex offenses
- Any felony involving the use or threatened use of a firearm
- Unlawful possession of destructive device