Darby McBride
HILLSBORO, Ore.- On December 13, 2018, a Washington County jury found Darby Andrew McBride guilty on all three counts brought against him by Deputy District Attorney Jeffery MacLean. Those charges include Assault 3 Serious Injury with Weapon, Reckless Driving and Criminal Mischief 2 Reckless.
These charges stem from a vehicular crash in which McBride’s SUV slammed into another vehicle which had pulled to the side of the road off Highway 26 in December of 2017. That crash caused life-threatening injuries to the victim, off-duty Tigard Police officer Matthew Barbee.
After an extensive investigation by the inter-agency Washington County Crash Analysis Reconstruction Team (CART) and the Hillsboro Police Department, the District Attorney’s office presented the case to a grand jury. That grand jury sent back an indictment on three charges in March of 2018 and the trial against McBride began in December.
The three-day trial took place in Judge Andrew R. Erwin’s courtroom. Sentencing is set for January 4, 2018.