New location for Child Support Division.
The District Attorney Child Support Division has moved from the Justice Services Building to a new location at Adams Crossing: 161 NW Adams Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124.
The Washington County District Attorney's Office, Child Support Division, assists with the establishment and collection of child support orders.
Our services are provided on behalf of the State of Oregon and we represent the interests of the State of Oregon. Applications for Child Support Services are made through the Oregon Department of Justice, Division of Child Support.
We cannot give you legal advice or represent you. For legal advice and representation, please contact a private attorney. If an attorney represents you in any matter, we must have a written release from your attorney before we can communicate directly with you. Your attorney may mail or fax the release to our office.
Contact us at:
Washington County District Attorney
Child Support Division
161 NW Adams Ave, MS 41
Hillsboro, OR 97124 – 3398
Telephone: (503) 846-8759
Fax: (503) 846-2990
*E-mail: [email protected]
*Please note: We are unable to assure the privacy and confidentiality of Internet communications, therefore, we respond by letter or telephone to case specific questions.
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed holidays)