The Washington County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a group of professionals dedicated to providing an effective, consistent, comprehensive, and collaborate response to victims of sexual assault. The team consists of private and community agencies working together to serve victims of sexual assault and to engage in educational activities to prevent sexual assault. SART consists of victim advocates, police detectives, forensic evidence specialists, forensic nurses, prosecutors and corrections officers.
The role of the SART is to ensure that the medical care, treatment, evidence collection, investigation, prosecution, and support of victims is carried out in an effective, caring, and respectful manner that minimized further trauma to the victim. The SART meets bimonthly to ensure that sexual assault victims in Washington County receive the best quality treatment and service. When a sexual assault occurs, a victim will typically have contact with a police officer, medical personnel, victim advocates and a prosecutor. After the offender is sentenced, the Community Corrections Department also plays an important role in community safety by tracking and supervising sex offenders. The SART brings all of these groups to the table for a comprehensive perspective on potential issues.
The SART members also provide education to the community with a focus on awareness. Knowledge is power and increased citizen awareness of facts surrounding sexual assaults and the services available to victims will bring positive outcomes for victims and our community.
If you are interested in opportunities for involvement with SART, please contact your local police agency about volunteer opportunities or the District Attorney’s Office Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].