The Washington County Rapid Fitness to Proceed Program is a collaborative team of professionals working to make the court fitness to proceed process as efficient as possible. The goal is to shorten the amount of time defendants are housed at the jail pending fitness to proceed determinations. The program is a collaboration of the following Washington County stakeholders: The Sheriff’s Office, the defense bar, mental health services, the Circuit Court, and the DA’s Office.
In order to participate in this program, potential participants may fill out and submit this Rapid Fitness to Proceed Referral Form by emailing to [email protected].
To learn more about this program, view this informational flyer.
Year 2023 by the Numbers
We are pleased to report that this program continues to be successful.
In 2023, there were 100 successful rapid fitness determinations. The median time to those determinations was just 17 days, down from 91 days under the state’s system.
On average, this increased efficiency helped save 74 days of jail time served per defendant, leading to a total approximate savings of more than $1,932,214.00 to the taxpayer.
We’d like to thank all our partners who helped make this possible.