Join the Team!

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office is proud to sponsor the first ever Mock Trial Team at Hillsboro High School!

Mock Trial is a program that allows students to learn about preparing and litigating a criminal or civil case and learning about the legal system.

Students will receive some classroom instruction as part of Hillsboro High’s “You and the Law” class as well as after-school practice and instruction with other members of the team. Students will receive a mock court case and be responsible for preparing the case while playing the roles of attorneys and witnesses.

Students will learn the skills of public speaking, teamwork, research, collaboration, civil and criminal legal concepts, civic engagement, and how to prepare a case from real trial attorneys.

In the spring, the Mock Trial Team will get to participate in the Oregon High school Mock Trial Competition against other high schools in Washington County.

*There is no cost to join and Transportation will be provided for any off-campus activities. Interested?  Please contact Julio Galian, Social Studies teacher at Hillsboro High - [email protected]

Learn more about the mock trial team. 

Obtenga más información sobre el equipo de prueba simulada.